Post Office Box 74
Vassar, MI 48768
Year Started:
# American Employees:
In August 2009, our family was discussing the heartbreaking drive through the neighborhoods where our family had lived for three generations. What were once thriving neighborhoods are today home to poverty and dozens of boarded-up businesses, littered with refuse.
During this conversation the idea of recycling cans thrown away due to carelessness was born. We wanted to use them to make an environmental statement as well as a useful product, and we decided to make environmentally responsible eco-friendly bangles. This idea resonated so strongly among the four of us that we imediately created a plan aimed at turning recycled aluminum cans into something fashionable that could also promote environmental responsiblity. In doing this we could make our personal contribution to reducing waste in our oceans and landfills and possibly grow enough so that we could employ people from our community in need of jobs. Although none of us had a background in manufacturing jewelry, we were determined to make our idea work. We decided on the name Cangles, which is a combination of cans and bangles.
One year later, through trial and error, we developed a process by which we could reliably and safely manufacture Cangles Fashionably Green jewelry. Our products are handmade from 100% post-consumer recycled aluminum. From bangles we progressed to 1/2-inch and 1-inch cuff bracelets. Afterwards, we began to manufacture eco-friendly earrings and hair clips, then necklaces. We have had the honor of being asked to design four custom bracelets exclusively licensed by the Save the Earth Foundation, which are available in our shopping area. Proceeds from those sales directly aid the Save the Earth Foundation in their environmental research and education efforts.
In addition to Save the Earth Foundation, Cangles LLC donates all recycled aluminum can tabs to the Ronald McDonald House in Detroit, Michigan in memory of Nicole Emily Briggs who lived her brief life from August 16, 1986 to March 12, 1990.
Our family, through Cangles LLC, additionally donates $1 from the sale of every bracelet made from a Vernors can to the Angel Food Ministries. $1 from each of our military tribute bracelets is donated to the Wounded Warrior Project or $2 from a personalized service or memorial cuff.
In honor of our mother, Shirly Jean, we offer four special Cangles "Cure" bracelets, from which $1 of each sale is given to Susan G. Komen for the CureĀ®. |
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Thoughts on America:
It's up to every single one of us to circulate our spending dollars here in the U.S. This is a daily choice that each of us can make. I recently added a "Buy U.S.A." link on my company's Web site, where I list other American-made shopping sites. |